My name is Daria M. Loshlin, and I write romance. Dark contemporary, new adult erotica, a little paranormal, and who knows, maybe in the future rom-com… I am of the belief a strong writer can spin any story ‌in a way you’ll connect, and I aspire to achieve this with everything I write. Music is the backbone of my emotional inspiration. You’ll always find a playlist for my books. Few topics are too taboo for me, so as a panster, I never know what will happen while writing. It’s always an exciting little surprise. 

 I have been happily married to my best friend for twenty years. We share feral offspring of the male persuasion and a couple of fur babies as well. I was born and raised in a small southern town near where I currently live. I am an introvert who is forced out of the house like a cat is forced into a bath; there is a lot of hissing and scratching, but once I’m out (as long as I am in an environment that I can control), I love it and never want to return. 

I love to travel(road trips are the best!). Confused? Me too. But it’s how I operate.

 My favorite days are cloud-covered and drizzling rain. The world’s somber expressions mixed with an epic playlist most inspire me to write my forbidden tales and tortured romances. Edgar Allan Poe is my go-to recharge after writing. I find the honesty in his work stimulating. I am often inspired by the macabre and the beautiful. When I’m not writing, I terrorize my husband with my horrific dance moves and silly facial expressions. Actually; I do that even while writing. I could continue to tell you about my professional accolades, hobbies, family, or pets, but none of it tells you who I am. 

So, allow me to illuminate a path into the inner workings of, well, me.

I am a perfectionist with O.C.D, A.D.H.D, and agoraphobia co-occurring with social anxiety. The latter stems from a traumatizing, forced, extroverted youth. I am also a germaphobe. If you’re curious about how I function day to day, I too, often question this.

Due to those issues, I always feel out of step with society. If you, like me, struggle with or have ever struggled with trying to fit the societal mold, toss up your middle fingers and blow a raspberry. Your happiness is found in being true to yourself. 

  • My favorite quote is: “Believe nothing you hear, and only half that you see.”
  • My Favorite color is purple. 
  • Halloween is my Christmas, and Christmas is my nightmare. 
  • I am a night owl.
  • I love to draw
  • I am clumsy to a fault. I can and will trip over air and sometimes even choke on it.
  • My favorite movie of all time is ‘Dazed and Confused.’ Not what you were expecting? I’m not shocked, but I always love it, no matter how often I watch it. 
  • My go-to song to re-set is: Runaway Train by Soul Asylum