How did you start writing?

Well, it all began long ago with the alphabet. I wasn’t very good with the b and d, stupid similarity. Oh, you mean books. It started early in life. I loved writing poems and song lyrics when I was younger. I always loved to read but never put much thought into writing a book until my favorite TV show at the time(Gilmore Girls) got canceled, and I hated the ending. So, I tried my hand at fanfic to create the one I desired. Much to my surprise, like any true dictator, I fell in love with the world being at my fingertips. And so began my authorial journey.

Why did you discontinue the original Soul Series? 

 I knew I could give you something more in-depth, so I pulled back and reworked the story. I’ve kept many of the same elements and even chapters. I created a more full-bodied story to bring you all into Hayes & Georgie’s world. This was always their story. It just unfolded differently with the revamp. 

Are your characters based on real people? 

No, they are not. I may pull from certain life experiences, but the characters are never based on anyone I’ve met or known in real life. However; I have many of my character inspirations on my Pinterest boards to give a broad scope of my vision. 

What’s coming?

I have lots of irons in the fire. Check out the What’s Next page and subscribe to my newsletter for the latest updates.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

“Don’t ever let anyone break your spirit.” -Ivy Wild

What advice would you give new writers?

  • Don’t attempt to please everyone. Someone will ALWAYS complain anyway. 
  • Break the rules. Break your own heart. Writing is a passion, so let it bleed through. You should feel everything you’re writing. If you don’t, neither will the readers. Step back, pause, and then revise.
  • Quit. If you’re stressed and feeling insecure, throw a fit, scream, cry, and say you quit. Do it a hundred times a day. Then breathe, go right back into the document, and push through. You are in control of your process and the end product. You can say I quit as often as you want. Do what you need to deal with your stress. But , FINISH YOUR BOOK. 
  • Don’t compare yourself. I made this mistake and spiraled into a dark, dank abyss. Everyone’s brain works differently. The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to someone who’s publishing four or five times a year. They might write shorter books than you. They may not have an obnoxiously charming spouse or feral crotch goblins distracting them. Always maintain perspective. 
  • Give your character’s birthdays and flaws! For the love of God, give them birthdays and create the damn layers! Remember, no person is one thing only, so don’t let your characters be.
  • Editing & research are important!
  • Reviews are for the readers. They are NOT for you!
  • They bought the book. They get to critique it. That’s the deal. Spare yourself the pain, and don’t look. Seriously, don’t look!
  • Nothing you say will change their feelings, so don’t try. The rude reviewers who make it personal want and expect to hurt your feelings. Brush it off.
  • Your book will be someone’s favorite. Don’t allow the negative opinions of others to stop you from writing your book.

Who’s your favorite author?

Other than Poe? F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mary Shelley, Emily Bronte, Frederich Nietzsche…. The list is long.  But more current, there are quite a few. Amo Jones, Rina Kent, L. J Shen, Nola Marie, Siobhan Davis, Leia Stone, Amy A. Bartol, Tate James, Jaymin Eve and many more.